This house is one of the few houses left where you can find that age itself has been recovered and brought back into existence.
It is one of the most magical places in Deal, a town that itself is full of the shadows of its dark past.
This house captures something of the human psyche that is being lost, being abolished and eradicated. It is harder and harder to find, part of the human experience is disappearing.
Even so called "quirky" houses are these days made to look like something out of a magazine photo-shoot. The corporate world's tentacles reach into our private holidays and our domestic interiors. Airbnb which started off with a space on two guys' sofa in a scruffy but artistic part of San Francisco, is now a rigid enforcer of corporate hotel cleanliness and sterility, which it forces on its "hosts" like a sort of moral law, one to which we are all enslaved.
It is as if we have forgotten how to have our own environments; we press the panic button if something looks real. and then despair of finding anything different, that doesn't immediately dress itself up in the uniform of...uniformity.
This situation is not without its political significance, since the predominance of corporate 'values' reflects the dominance of the corporations in the economy. Quite simply, if the corporations can make only a corporate look acceptable to customers then it is another nail in the coffin of small businesses and private individuals alike, we ape the corporations because we have to. They have managed to transform peoples tastes so that they will only accept corporate "product". Conformity of all kinds pays into the hands of big business. A lot of effort and advertising goes into promoting conformity, which they present as its opposite. These days everyone is an identical cloned rebel, and the blandest cliches of the lamest taste can be labelled "quirky." In fact if something calls itself 'quirky' you know it is the opposite.
You won't find anything like 4 Silver Street on Airbnb, or in any hotel, or in any restuarant. It would be even hard to find it in a film, these days, where “old” looks increasingly either new or fantasmorgorical. The BBC is losing the ability of recreating 'old' convicingly. It's like a lost memory.
This is a four-storey Georgian house 20 seconds from the sea, in an unspoiled old smuggling town, (an hour's train from London) a house safely hidden in a large conservation area, roads where Nelson walked down to visit the wounded from the Battle of Boulogne, while Lady Hamilton stayed in the Royal Hotel 150 yards from here.
This house used to belong to a bookseller called Baker, in the 1850s, in the 1880s to an Irish Royal Marine called Martin Newsom and his Jamacian wife, Maria, and their adopted son Reginald. It now belongs to a half-Irish writer and book publisher, and his Swedish aristocrat wife. It is the home also of Two Cities Films, makers of The Four Gospels of Dracula and Lilith; the company that made films by Hitchcok, Noel Cowerd, Lawrence Olivier, and David Lean.
It is now full of books again, from top to bottom. It's rooms are richly, deeply coloured, and furnished with old dark furniture. The dining-room enables you to dine in Georgian style, in a dark room lit by candles, on a mahogony table, with antique Dutch crockery, silver cutlery and cut glass, with a wood fire burning. The style of the house includes Georgian, Regency, Victorian Edwardian, and 20th century, with modern kitchens and bathrooms; all ages are repsented to capture to age of the house, as if things from each era had been kept. Yes it is like a museum, only it is very much alive.
It is a good place for what people think of as artistic or literary dinners, and thats what we have here sometimes, The house lends itself to a sort of freedom, that we all can enjoy. We would like people to feel free to think and say what they like in the charmed environment of Silver Street. The beach is there at the end of the street, In the summer and autumn and spring you can take cream tea with you into the sun, as we always do, in the winter the onshore winds will blow through the keyholes in the house but the fires will burn brightly indoors. You can read of shipwrecks from our bookshelves.
You can cook for yourselves in the modern kitchen, or you can be served Swedish cuisine cooked by a direct descendant of the man who lost the battle of Poltava, Gustav Von Roos and another who lent money to the Swedish Crown. Heard of Ramlösa? Your Swedish mineral water will be poured by the descendant of the founder of the Swedish well, Count Von Döbeln, and of the second richest man in Sweden Nils Von Kock.
She is also an actress in art house erotica.
The bedrooms have old beds(with new matresses) and there is a fourposter with curtains. There is a stylish modern bathroom with limitless hot water, you can lay in the bath all day if you like. The walls are hung with oil paintings from various periods and some real curios.
It costs £200 per person, per night, for that you get the whole house, which sleeps 4 people comfortably. It has four floors. There is a miniscule but pleasant garden at the back, but it does get sun for a few hours and you can breakfast out there.
If you opt for the meal it is £45 per person extra (for dinner). You can provide your own wine.
The food is three courses, and can be vegetarian on request. It is Swedish food, home cooked, by a Swede.
Disclamer- before booking- Somewhere different.
This is NOT airbnb. The rules of Airbnb do not apply here. This is NOT a hotel either. This is an experience. It is for people who want something different. Do not book if you simply require somewhere to stay. Don't expect a clinical, minimal, basic, sterile or kitch little squeaky-clean bijou holiday corner. This isnt that. It's something else. If you are going to be upset by dust, or old things, or other imperfections please don't come. The world is full of places that can fulfil those expectations. We dont want to. We aspire to something else, something different. Please set aside the expectations of the corporate world if you come here, and let yourself be free.
A little word about reviews- like so many people now, we have been though the horrible oppressive mill of reviews (with another house than this one); It's as if we are all on trial. We want to leave that behind We used to get very good ones mainly, but are still recovering from the 5 malicious ones we got. But we don't want any reviews at all, we reject that system of snooping which leads to scurrilous activity we are all familiar with Such as, people who routinely try to get discounts and refunds, and don't care how they lie to do it.
And now, we want to be free, to have the sort of house we want to have, we still don't want to conform, and never have, and we want to provide something you can't get anywhere else. We dont want to review anyone, and we dont want to be reviewed. You arent on trial, and neither are we.
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